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Open Access Publications from the University of California

Aim and Scope

Biogeographia – The Journal of Integrative Biogeography publishes manuscripts on biogeography since 1970. The aim of the journal is to increase the scientific understanding of the processes driving biogeographic patterns and to raise awareness for topics related to biogeography in general. The scope particularly covers integrative approaches quantifying and explaining patterns in nature at different spatial and temporal scales, with a strong focus on data. Papers with clear hypotheses and convincing analyses on the distribution of organisms will be welcome and considered for peer review. Manuscripts may also focus on specific areas and/or on specific taxa, provide methodological contributions or extensive faunistic and floristic reviews as well as cover hypothesis-driven and descriptive research in biogeography. Data Papers reporting biogeographic databases and georeferenced data sets will be particularly welcome, as well as opinions on developments in biogeographic theory or the practical implementation of novel findings in the discipline. See the Information for Authors for instructions on how to prepare a manuscript for submission.