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Open Access Publications from the University of California


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In Electroleum, the player uses the ability of electricity to get to the end of the level by manipulating level features as well as for killing enemy bots. Your ability of electricity is necessary for manipulating objects in the level vital for completion of the level (the tutorial is intended to get you accustomed to this procedure). Some of the level features requiring electricity manipulation include: magnetic-plated blocks critical for assisted movement across impassable areas; keypads, which must be zapped to control moving platforms or deactivated  to disable level barriers; windfields, which must be directed in a fashion critical to your trajectory.Keeping these specifics in mind will make for easy gameplay. However, getting to the end will not be that easy, as the combination of level features will create dexterity challenges. Also, beware the killer bots, and the leaking pipelines, as they are deadly. Coming into to contact with these will kill you, but do not worry for you are not easily defeated as level checkpoints will save your last static state, which you are respawned upon dying. There are no game points, but making it to the end of the levels and game is the big win for you in the world of Electroleum.

Main Content

Executable file.


GameMaker gmz file.
