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Open Access Publications from the University of California

UC Irvine

UC Irvine Electronic Theses and Dissertations bannerUC Irvine

Characterization and Use of Vibrational Tags in Coherent Raman Microscopy

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Creative Commons 'BY-ND' version 4.0 license

In this work, we outline the current state of coherent Raman scattering microscopy with a special emphasis on the sub-field of stimulated Raman scattering. This field has seen tremendous growth in development and applicability over the last twenty years. Much of the work has focused on demonstrating the utility of both CARS and SRS to the field of lipid metabolism, and there it has seen great success. However, it has not managed to get into the hands of as many users as might be desired. CRS is often criticized for a lack of of specificity. Here we have demonstrated the successful use of isotopic Raman probes to the study of metabolism in multiple cell types including an understudied form of cartilage and in the origins of meibum lipid as it related to dry eye disease. We will also discuss the application of computational chemistry techniques to the study and design of molecular probes for Raman imaging.

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This item is under embargo until September 27, 2024.