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Open Access Publications from the University of California


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Voyager is an open-world shooter video game taking place in time periods crucial to the advancement of maritime warfare. The player, starting off as a small raft, sets off to discover how he can rebuild his ship to be better, faster, and stronger. Learning by defeating iconic enemies such as The Kraken, you�ll gather their remains and use them to create the ultimate naval ship ever to exist. Controlling your ship is simple. The WASD keys are used to maneuver your ship around the world, evading attacks left and right. To decimate your enemies, hover your mouse cursor over the enemy and unleash a barrage of right-clicks to fire. While your enemies can take a beating, you�ll only survive one shot to your hull so make your life count. While you dodge, duck, dip, dive, and dodge, remember the goal of Voyager: outlast the onslaught of enemy ships and boss ships, pilfering the remains of boss ships to create a behemoth of a ship. With every speed, hull, and weapon upgrade, you�re ship will grow, gaining the capabilities to travel to new lands and fight new enemies.

Main Content

Executable file.


GameMaker gmz file.
